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choosing life
JoinedPosts by choosing life
Think Of a Jehovah's Witness---What Pops Up In Your Head?
by minimus inwhat connection do you make?.
choosing life
Depressing. There are a lot of sincere folks caught up in this mess. Being told what exactly you can and cannot do is just plain suffocating. Being forced to squeeze much of the fun out of life-birthdays, holidays, going to college as a young man/woman is sad. Not being allowed to live and learn from our mistakes without the constant threat of being made a public spectacle and losing your family is cruel.
The main word I think of is depressing.
by poopsiecakes inthese are things i always had a very hard time explaining and believing as a jw:.
birthdays whether at school or at work, this one was really tough to explain to a non jw.
i mean seriously, makes absolutely zero logical sense...salvation it was very hard to wrap my head around the idea that a loving god could destroy billions of people; and this, after reading the ot and the many baby slaughters therein...smoking say what you will about this unhealthy habit, making it a dfing offence because of dubious ties to spiritism??
choosing life
Those are all things I wondered about too, especially, well ALL of them. Amazing how much a person can stuff away in their mind without going crazy. I think when you run out of room, you wake up.
1. Worldwide flood-how did kangaroos get stuck on an island?- Did Noah let them out there only?
2. No facial hair for men, except mustaches now.- Jesus had facial hair and professional men do today too.
3. Animals get the same illnesses as humans and grow old like us.- Maybe physical bodies were never meant to last forever? Nothing physical has ever lasted forever.
4. The light gets brighter.- How does jumping back and forth on silly things like the Sodomites will/won't be resurrected show progressively increasing light/understanding.
5. How exactly do the anointed get their information from God?-They never come anywhere close to explaining this one. Talk about religious mystery.
What can a divorced woman in her forties expect if she stays in the WT?
by dgp inpeople, another question from me.
i thank everyone in advance for their posts.. i know this is a difficult question, and perhaps one no one can answer.
but, let me post it anyways.
choosing life
It depends on what you are looking for in life. If you want a husband, the odds are not in your favor. Not many chances for that unless you are willing to look outside the religion and take the heat for dating/marrying a "worldly" guy.
If you totally want to start over and don't mind moving away, you could disappear and make your life whatever you want it to be.
Unbelievable!!! ,The Watchtower is still teaching the old generation doctrine!
by 1914BS inthis is nuts.
the feb 15 -08 wt threw out that doctrine!!.
those whose make it into the paradice are not the "generation" as spoken of at matthew 24:34. .
choosing life
That is crazy. They have this on their current internet site? I read some of it and the leading/loaded language is so obvious. Why didn't I see that 20 years ago?
I was studying with/indoctrinating a person out of the Live Forever book once and her book said something different than mine. I thought she had read it wrong, but nope, it actually said the exact opposite of what my book said. It was about the resurrection/or not of the Sodomites. I had some explaining to do.
So, because the old doctrines are more appealing than the new ones, they just quote from an old publication on the web and hope no one will notice? I have to admit the old explanation of the 1914 generation made a slight bit more sense than the latest nonsense. Still, they wouldn't purposely mislead people, would they?
Jehovahs Witnesses are banned in Russia
by Quadraphoenix inhttp://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=1385.
this is very exciting news for all of us, especially for the ones that want to leave that are in russia.. .
choosing life
Banning them will not soften their resolve, but too much publicity on shunning, the blood issue, their rabid hatred for other religions, etc. might make them want to compromise.
Then there was the country that was told that jws could freely take a blood transfusion without repercussions. I forgot which country, but they bought it, hook, line and sinker. I hope Russia is a little smarter than that.
"This Good News Of The Kingdom! Was it authorized by Jehovah?
by wannabe inwas it to be true, that jehovah would have an active 'visible organization' on this earth today, as is claimed by the governing bodies watchtower society, would not the christ, when he gave the composite sign of his invisible presence, have made some mention of that organization, and directed us all to follow it?
matthew 24 - mark 13 - luke 21 -.
doesn't it seem strange, that there is no mention of an organization that represented him?
choosing life
They have changed the message from the one the first followers of Christ preached to one that serves their purpose. Everything that they say establishes them as Christ's true followers is strung together by misapplied and scattered scriptures that are taken out of context.
The Story of SD-7 - Chapter 2
by sd-7 ingiven that i'm very sensitive emotionally, i tend to avoid mentioning my personal life here if possible, preferring to stick to evaluation of watchtower publications and doctrine, particularly the newest material i can get my hands on.
but i felt it was time to talk again.
i hope at least some of you will be gentle.. i'm married now.
choosing life
sd-7, I have to admit that, at first, I thought you had lost your mind and signed up for an impossibly frustrating life. After I thought about it, I realize that she is your life. It is not much different than those of us who stay in and play the game to keep contact with our families.
If loving her is what makes you happy, what gives you meaning in a sometimes cold and dark world, then grab hold of that meaning and hang on tight. I wish you and your new family the very best.
Jehovahs Witnesses are banned in Russia
by Quadraphoenix inhttp://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=1385.
this is very exciting news for all of us, especially for the ones that want to leave that are in russia.. .
choosing life
Anything that makes them prove they allow human rights is a step in the right direction. I would love to see a long, drawn out case about shunning in the news.
Salter called Rutherford a liar....WOW
by HappyGuy ini had never heard of this letter before.
not sure how william salter was exactly.
someone high up in the organization at some point.. i didn't go looking for this, i was rooting around on doc bob's site looking or the baptism questions and i stumbled across this letter that salter wrote to rutherford.. he just comes right out and calls rutherford a liar.
choosing life
Wow! Things haven't changed much, have they? The lowly ones in the borg can still starve and the higher ups live in nice apartments with all their needs taken cared of through the lowly ones donations.
Rutherford always seemed to be a bully and tends to make me cringe. I really don't know how they got people to join when he was running things.
The "friends" are still blind.